Art Personal Blog Random

6. Let me paint a picture for you

By now you might have some understanding as to what it means for me to derive inspiration through tangential thought. Hopefully from a previous blogpost where I mentioned connecting seemingly random thoughts and ideas. Whether or not you understand, I still want to use this blogpost to illustrate more of what I mean. Last year…

GAN Vision Personal Blog

5. Do I even know what I’m talking about?

If you’ve read any of the posts from the imprint blog or my personal blog, you might’ve noticed something. Nothing from the series has been published, and there isn’t anything remotely close to “critical acclaim” for my work, yet here I am talking on and on about The Great American Novel. It’s almost like I’m…

Anime/Manga Inspiration Personal Blog Random

4. This Might Sound Random

I don’t think it’ll be healthy for this blog to simply revolve around my own thoughts about The Great American Novel. I want these posts to be a fun and engaging read for everyone, and me simply explaining my thoughts about the GAN would be exhaustive to read and write. I didn’t have this in…

GAN Vision Personal Blog Random

3. The Myth of The Great American Novel Part 2

In my last blog post, I shared my understanding of how the myth came to be. In this blog post I want to focus on sharing my perspective on the myth of The Great American Novel as a whole. While there are varying forms of myths, what I find particularly interesting about the GAN is…

GAN Vision Personal Blog Random

2. The Myth of The Great American Novel Part 1

As you know there is a reason that The Great American Novel is interwoven into my rhetoric and the imprint as a whole. I challenge you for it. I’ll always be the first to admit that I completely understand that it’s a ridiculous notion for someone to challenge others for the GAN. But, whenever I…