All Dreamers Read

Where The Dream of The Great American Novel Is Still Alive

What is All Dreamers Read? What is The Great American Novel? Does it even exist, or is it only some ridiculous anachronistic dream? My name is D.Griffith, and not only do I believe The Great American Novel is possible, but it’s my dream to tell a story that contends for the title. That’s why I’ve created All Dreamers Read, an imprint dedicated to achieving The Great American Novel.

The Dream Series

How do I plan to tell a story that contends for the title of The Great American Novel? With an epic meta-narrative that parallels the dream itself!

I Challenge You For The Great American Novel!

Not simply for the title, or what story you consider it to be, I challenge you for what the very notion of The Great American Novel means.

Reading X Literacy

All Dreamers Read is not solely dedicated to achieving The Great American Novel. This imprint believes in how beneficial reading can be, and will always strive to promote reading and literacy.

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Other Works

Curious to see what I write that isn’t related to The Dream Series? Check out some of my other works!