Art Imprint-Novels Music Random

Songs of Me

If there’s one reason to be excited for this imprint, it has to be the fact that it strives to be a different publishing imprint. Not different for the sake of being different, but rather discussing different ideas, and doing things differently in comparison to other book publishing imprints.  A prime example is best conveyed…

GAN Vision Personal Blog The Dream Series

9. How?

Whenever there is an idea, there must be execution. The Great American Novel just like any other idea, only requires execution. What questions would you ask yourself when you consider the execution of an idea? What? Where? When? Who? Why? How? All important questions of course, but for me, it all comes down to the…

Personal Blog Random

8. The New Era of Storytelling Part 2.

An Era of Unstoppable Consumption Now more than ever, we have the ability to choose. But have you ever questioned what comes with that overpowering overload of choice? Have you ever considered if there’s a price for the very privilege of choice? With all these things, I can’t be the only one who foolishly believed…

Personal Blog Random

8. The New Era of Storytelling Part 1.

In my last blog post I explained that I envision The Great American Novel as a meta-fictional epic narrative. But what makes me believe the idea can be achieved through meta-fictional processes?  An Era of Meta  We live in an era in which the very ways in which we tell our stories are inherently becoming…

Anime/Manga GAN Vision Personal Blog The Dream Series

7. Metafictional Epic Narrative

In my first post I challenged you for The Great American Novel. Absurd, I know, but there is a story I wish to share with you. To tell my story to its fullest capacity and efficacy,  I have to challenge your understanding of what constitutes a Great American Novel. However, I want to retain a…