GAN Vision Inspiration Personal Blog

13. Why?

For this blogpost I would like to share my reasoning and intention for invoking The Great American Novel into both the rhetoric of this imprint and my work. I tried my best to consider the clearest way to explain myself, and decided on sharing two primary reasons I have for achieving The Great American Novel.…

GAN Vision Inspiration Personal Blog The Dream Series

10. Metamodernism! Post-postmodernism, and beyond modernism!

You may be familiar with the movements, modernism and postmodernism. Well I believe the two schools of thought play a role in a new way to consider and conceptualize The Great American Novel. Modernism vs. Postmodernism Here are some of the characteristics I typically consider when I try to understand the aspects that differentiate the…

Anime/Manga Inspiration Personal Blog Random

4. This Might Sound Random

I don’t think it’ll be healthy for this blog to simply revolve around my own thoughts about The Great American Novel. I want these posts to be a fun and engaging read for everyone, and me simply explaining my thoughts about the GAN would be exhaustive to read and write. I didn’t have this in…