Other Works Personal Blog

14. Other Works

If you’re reading this blogpost I’m hoping that you’ve also had the chance to visit the ADR social media page. But even if you haven’t, this blog post will share more insight on some of the posts shared on the social media page and the general idea behind the Other Works page included on the…

GAN Vision Inspiration Personal Blog

13. Why?

For this blogpost I would like to share my reasoning and intention for invoking The Great American Novel into both the rhetoric of this imprint and my work. I tried my best to consider the clearest way to explain myself, and decided on sharing two primary reasons I have for achieving The Great American Novel.…

GAN Vision Movies Personal Blog Random

12. My understanding of the cultural myth simplified

Continuing the sentiment in the last blog post I shared, for this blog post I would like to begin attempting to explain my understanding of The Great American Novel as an idea in a clearer and more succinct way. To simplify my idea in a way that hopefully makes sense for everyone reading, I thought…

GAN Vision Personal Blog Random

11. Let me simplify!

By now, I know I’ve made it clear that my prime objective is to achieve The Great American Novel. That’s why my first personal blog post is a declaration of me challenging you, the reader (whether as an individual or the totality of American society). I know some random guy (with no prior novels published…

GAN Vision Inspiration Personal Blog The Dream Series

10. Metamodernism! Post-postmodernism, and beyond modernism!

You may be familiar with the movements, modernism and postmodernism. Well I believe the two schools of thought play a role in a new way to consider and conceptualize The Great American Novel. Modernism vs. Postmodernism Here are some of the characteristics I typically consider when I try to understand the aspects that differentiate the…