Personal Blog

0. Personal Blog Post Intro

I believe that romanticism, and having a solid understanding of it, is important when discussing the mythos of The Great American Novel.

I’m generally liberal when when it comes to reading. Reading different genres of narratives has opened my mind to different experiences and viewpoints. It would be impossible for me to imagine stories without learning to deeply appreciate the art of storytelling through books and novels. That’s why I’ve started All Dreamers Read.

To avoid any confusion with the blogs posted as a reflection of the imprint, any numbered post will be my own personal blog post. 

I’m one of those people who believe there is a story, a lesson to learned in everything. There is no way I’d be able to write or tell stories without the stories I’ve read, watched or listened to over the years. Now that I plan to share my stories with you, it’s only right that I share all of what inspires me too. 

In these blog posts I hope to share more insight into my work, and share more of the stories that have inspired, entertained, and influenced me. 

The different narratives I will share will include:


Films, Movies, and Shows

Japanese Anime and Manga


Visual Arts

There may be more but the general idea is that I want to share with you the art that has told me stories, how they’ve impacted me, and how they influenced my ability to tell stories. 

The different images, videos, or general art I share with you on my personal blogposts are not mine. Most of them will be copyrighted works and owned by other entities. I’m sharing the works under the basis of fair use.

The different works I share with you are meant to encapsulate my admiration to them and provide credit to what has inspired me. In no way is the action of sharing these copyrighted works intended to create devaluation. All copyrighted works shared on my personal blog post will be explained, cited and links will be provided wherever possible in hopes that you can experience the stories too. 

It’s extremely important to me that I share and encapsulate all the different inspirations that helped shape my vision, my perspective, and who I am.

One Piece Chapter 576

You may have seen this image on the homepage of the website. It’s not there for decoration. I believe that Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece has an unparalleled ability to visually capture the nature of romanticism. His work is a major influence on my understanding of storytelling. I believe that romanticism, and having a solid understanding of it is important when discussing the mythological ideal of The Great American Novel.

In this scene Whitebeard, a well-known and notable pirate is exclaiming. “The One Piece”, a legendary treasure that all the pirates of The Golden Age sailed out to sea to find, has been forgotten. Over time many of those pirates who believed, either gave up, or were eventually forgotten. Even pirates of the New Age, no longer set out to sea in search of the treasure as some believe it’s either impossible or a fool’s errand. As Whitebeard claims the treasure “Does Exist!!”, he’s inspiring a new generation of pirates to set out to sea, to journey for the treasure.