Other Works 2024

Inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s Couple Dancing (1885)

What a masterful partner I follow!
Life, she leads me,
with such imagination and fluidity.
Her volatile rhythm,
swings me all around in asynchrony.
Her erratic cadence,
sways me all about in anticipation.

On the first count,
she’s detached in her expression,
pushes me off-axis,
thrown backward,
my body is tossed into flight.

But on the second,
her dynamic motion,
pulls me into alignment,
and secured in closed position,
she releases me into circulation.

Though I misstep sometimes,
following life,
I experience pleasure unadulterated.
With her leading,
I know love unconditional.
The pure abstraction of her,
movement and energy,
I will never tire of.

Life, let us go on!
Let our dance continue!
Let our connection endure!
Let our intertwining remain!