Other Works 2024

Inspired by Camille Corot’s The Evening Star (1864)

Some nights,
I linger outside waiting,
for the hour,
they arrive.
To tell you the truth,
they terrify me,
yet I’ll always await their appearance.

To wonder,
how many eyes gazed upon them,
now gone.
To know, whatever I may wish,
I too,
must meet the same fate.
To extend,
my hand reaching out,
desperately seeking its brilliance in my grasp,
but only to fool myself.
To see,
such tantalizing lights,
and only be reminded of transient insignificance.
how it can never be mine,
To witness,
such piercing sights,
and only be told,
I’ll be outlived,
without any say or part in shaping,
that which will outlive me.
What ugly thoughts.

Of course,
by myself,
I’m horrified,
just gazing at them,
but I will never look away!
Of course they terrify me,
but I’ll be damned,
if they aren’t the most beautiful things,
my mind can fathom!