Lady Justice!To some, she is vile and repugnant, She’s only mythic and intangible, some ancient notion, they might think.No longer necessary, no longer possible, they might say. But I know her to be triumphant and glorious! I’ll forever speak of her arresting beauty! Lady Justice!Without her, hope, has no zeal nor reason, and can never…
Author: D.Griffith
Some nights, I linger outside waiting, for the hour, they arrive. To tell you the truth, they terrify me, yet I’ll always await their appearance. To wonder, how many eyes gazed upon them,now gone. To know, whatever I may wish, I too, must meet the same fate. To extend, my hand reaching out, desperately seeking…
Isolated,my state of being, only knows, horrible strife. Secluded, my existence, only realizes, unending conflict. Forsaken, past, present and future, are all held in triune suspension, as a despair, great, and of the Devil, seeks sovereignty. Solitary, I grow helpless and afraid, my soul, man and mere, begins to succumb,to the maddening corruption. Singular, err…
Why do you hide yourself, from me, my love?My precious, must you turn away, from me? To conceal, the magnificence of your visage, is unholy and unjust. To obscure, the glorious artistry of your physique, plunges this world into madness. To deny others, the heavenly gift of your spirit, damns this life to a fate…
Death, the frigid rogue, seeks everything of life, and knows all the ways, in which it to take. When the bright day ends, in the freezing darkness of night, it comes. But when the cold seeps to your soul, lulling you deeper into rest, by the will of the Divine, awake ignited, and rise again!…