Other Works 2024

Inspired by Edgar Degas’s Dancer Standing (1872)

It’s never easy,
no, never easy,
once one has fallen.

But in the falling,
that’s where,
life’s great gift is found,
yes, that’s where,
the truest of beauties lies.

When one falls,
one must rise twice!
Remember the reason,
the return is twofold!
Not only is there power,
in seeking,
your balance once more!
No, there is power,
in standing,
on one’s feet,
and of one accord!
Simply standing,
once more,
rejects earth and gravity!

Simply standing,
returns autonomy and will,
to oneself!
simply standing,
is for the daring of spirits,
and the courageous of hearts,
simply standing,
you only run,
the risk of falling,
once more.