Art Imprint-Novels Music Random

Songs of Me

Is there a song that inspires you?

If there’s one reason to be excited for this imprint, it has to be the fact that it strives to be a different publishing imprint. Not different for the sake of being different, but rather discussing different ideas, and doing things differently in comparison to other book publishing imprints. 

A prime example is best conveyed through the pivotal connection music as an art form plays in the general affairs of the imprint. Whether it’s the brainstorming of and writing different blog posts to the writing and editing of manuscripts, or even the formulation and creation of different social posts, all of it in some way is inspired by music.

But there is another way music is tied to the day to day routine of All Dreamers Read, the collection of music listed on the Songs of Me story reel. The collection of songs is (a play on words derived from Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself) a list of songs that I myself have  listened to and drawn some form of inspiration from. Basically, they are all songs that struck a chord.  

When a song is added to the Songs of Me collection, its lyrics are always shared too. When there’s a song I think captures a certain feeling, I’m fascinated and want to know how. That’s why I read and annotate the shared lyrics. It’s through sharing I also get the opportunity to study and appreciate music’s capability as a storytelling form. I’m dissecting the lyrics to understand its rhythm, phonetic resonance, and the story told.

Of course there are other aspects I aim to listen for when I listen to music, like its harmony, melody, or the instrumentals that weld the piece together. But, honestly no one aspect is more important than the other when it comes to what it does as a whole. It is the song in its entirety that makes the listening experience, and why the song is listed and shared. 

It would be a ridiculous oversight if this was not made clear -the songs are shared with the primary intention of more insight into the inspiration for my writing, and no other reason. The songs posted on the Songs of Me story reel are in no way my own work nor the intellectual property of this imprint.

Check out the different songs on the Songs of Me list on the All Dreamers Read social page. If there are any songs that inspire you too, please share!