
Reading X Literacy Media Campaign

Of course, the greatest freedom is of the mind. Sure the greatest power is knowledge. But maybe it’s not simply about knowing, but also understanding and imagination.

As a book publishing imprint, literacy, and reading are very important to ADR, and its understanding of success. With those values as our focus, it’s also important to focus on ways to help improve literacy and reading comprehension skills, however possible. Our Reading X Literacy campaign is a media campaign focused on improving those skills.  

Reading Comprehension Skills are important for gathering information, analyzing texts, discerning interpretation, the synthesization needed for feedback and overall evaluation. There will be two primary reading comprehension skills the imprint will focus on for the beginning of the media campaign, vocabulary and literary terms. Both are undeniably important for literacy development at any level, and are critical in shaping our reading habits. 

The two variations of vocabulary that are important to know are active vocabulary, and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary words are the words we know, and commonly use. We can use these words either in normal conversation or in our writing. Passive vocabulary, on the other hand, are the words we may or may not know but typically avoid using. Sometimes, they’re the words that we generally understand because we may have heard before. 

The main hope for the sharing of these different vocabulary words, is that more words that may be passive vocabulary are understood. Then, from that revitalized understanding passive words become active in our everyday use. With a constant focus and better understanding of passive vocabulary words, there is a greater possibility that more words will become active in all of our vocabularies. 

Literary terms are important for everyone to know, and understand. As humans, we all have, and share stories. We primarily connect through our storytelling. In all stories, there are elements that make them more effective to audiences. Whether you are writing or reading, literary devices are crucial to our experiences with stories. With a sharper insight into what makes a story effective, it can become easier to discern nuance and meaning from the stories we read. Having a clear understanding of the varying elements that make up all the stories we know will also grant the opportunity to become better, and clearer storytellers. 

At the posting of this blog post, the media campaign will begin with vocabulary and be conducted through the imprint website, and the imprint social media pages. All Dreamers Read is an imprint passionate about acquiring and sharing knowledge. If in that sharing, someone feels that much more capable as a reader and a learner, that is the success this imprint will take pride in.