Imprint-Novels Literacy-Reading

Random Reads

Hopefully by now you can see that reading is an innate value of this imprint. An imprint called All Dreamers Read can’t simply exist to promote its own published works. That would just be self-serving and misleading. Of course it would be great if you read anything published through the imprint, but there is a…

Art Imprint-Novels Music Random

Songs of Me

If there’s one reason to be excited for this imprint, it has to be the fact that it strives to be a different publishing imprint. Not different for the sake of being different, but rather discussing different ideas, and doing things differently in comparison to other book publishing imprints.  A prime example is best conveyed…

Imprint-Novels The Dream Series

The Dream Series Manuscripts

As an imprint, ADR wants to challenge some of the ways traditional imprints work in regards to book publishing. One of the main efforts will be reflected in how this imprint engages with you, the reader throughout the publication of The Dream Series.  Since The Dream Series is a twelve part series, it’s difficult to…


Reading X Literacy Media Campaign

As a book publishing imprint, literacy, and reading are very important to ADR, and its understanding of success. With those values as our focus, it’s also important to focus on ways to help improve literacy and reading comprehension skills, however possible. Our Reading X Literacy campaign is a media campaign focused on improving those skills.  …


Why literacy is important to All Dreamers Read

There’s a reason the imprint is called All Dreamers Read. A core value of this publishing imprint will be the promotion of literacy.   It would probably be best to share all the facts about how reading and literacy as a habit can significantly improve lives, or just add some quotes about the importance of literacy.…