D. Griffith Bio

I am D.Griffith, and I want one thing-to tell a story that contends for The Great American Novel. Not in one book, but in twelve. I believe that the idea of The Great American Novel can be personified with the use of metafictional properties to the narrative novel form. I only wish to give the dream itself life. In a twelve-part series called The Dream Series, I’m writing with the sole purpose and intention of achieving The Great American Novel, and if possible I’d like to work with you to do it. Whether or not I actually achieve the dream well, that’s up to you. 

The name D. Griffith is simply a pen name and there are few reasons I’ve chosen to use a pseudonym. 

  • I prefer anonymity because I have very little interest in being known. I don’t like attention. I’m not here for awards, to be famous, or have a best-seller. I seek perspective, and understanding. I’m here to engage with and learn from you
  • The story I’m telling you requires that I use certain rhetoric that can be confused with me simply speaking out of my own ego and I want to avoid any disorientation. Please understand that the rhetoric I’ll use mainly in regard to The Great American Novel stems from my metafictional approach. It’s meant to reflect our ego. What I’m telling you whether it’s on this website or on social media is written with a certain intent. I want my ambition to achieve The Great American Novel to be seen and known, it’s telling another key part of the story I want to tell you.  
  • The subject matter of my books, rhetoric and the questions I ask you during the completion of The Dream Series may feel personal and intense for some. I don’t want those who may feel uncomfortable by my questioning to ever think they will be judged. For that reason think it’s generally best for everyone if I remain anonymous. 

I want to be completely transparent with you all. You can say whatever you want to me. To tell the story I aim to tell, I have to be quixotic, but I understand how my personification of the idea will look from your perspective. You’re all free to mock, doubt, and criticize me. I know how ridiculous telling you all I want to write The Great American Novel sounds, but that’s the point. It’s an idea I wish to subvert and surpass – to do it I have to setup your expectation by challenging you, and telling all of you I want to achieve it. If anything, I want and expect you to retain your disbelief throughout our time together. It should make the story much more satisfying for you to read in the end.

There’s much more I will share with you over time, but for now, thank you. I know one day you’ll understand, and that has made all the difference for me.

I’m a hopeless romantic because I’m putting all of my hope in you.