Imprint-Novels The Dream Series

The Dream Series Manuscripts

All in good faith.

As an imprint, ADR wants to challenge some of the ways traditional imprints work in regards to book publishing. One of the main efforts will be reflected in how this imprint engages with you, the reader throughout the publication of The Dream Series

Since The Dream Series is a twelve part series, it’s difficult to provide a clear timeline for the completion, and publication of each book. But as an imprint, there is a deep belief that reader engagement is an invaluable necessity in regard to the success of this imprint. 

It’s also important to this imprint to maintain transparency wherever possible. For those reasons, all of the manuscripts for The Dream Series will be previewed on the All Dreamers Read website prior to their publication. 

You will always have a chance to read the stories before their publication and the opportunity to share your thoughts. But please understand, the sample chapters will be from the rough drafts of completed manuscripts and may very well be subject to change before their publication.  

You can find and read the first chapter of the imprint’s debut novel, KiLL.e.D on The Dream Series page of this website or just by clicking the link below

If you have any questions or thoughts about the manuscript, you can reach out by emailing the imprint email [email protected]