
Why literacy is important to All Dreamers Read

This imprint is for any and all dreamers, because I know, and you know it too. There is nothing more unstoppable, nothing more terrifying- or more ultimately satisfying, than someone with a dream.

There’s a reason the imprint is called All Dreamers Read. A core value of this publishing imprint will be the promotion of literacy.  

It would probably be best to share all the facts about how reading and literacy as a habit can significantly improve lives, or just add some quotes about the importance of literacy. But, all of that can be shared later.

The reason the promotion of literacy and reading are intertwined within this imprint goes beyond that. The real truth is, I just want you, whoever you are, to be smart. As smart as you can possibly be, as smart as humanly possible.

We all have dreams, that’s a truth that cannot be denied. Some are simple, some are downright impossible. Either way, the moment you decide to answer the call, taking that first step, you may be hit with the realization that your dream cannot be easily achieved. It doesn’t take a genius to see and understand that life is hard, and it only gets harder the older you get. Every step you take toward your dream you may face a new problem, a new challenge. The obstacles you face might intimidate or even dissuade you away from your dream.

All Dreamers Read has a deep belief that literacy and the act of reading can play a critical role in how you face and overcome those challenges. It can improve your ability to acquire and retain knowledge. Knowledge, and its acquisition requires literacy. There is irrefutable evidence that literacy and reading has the uncanny ability to increase both knowledge and our capabilities. That’s why this imprint wants all of you to obtain that uncanny ability.

It’s understood how this may come across as a naive and hopeful ambition. But after much thought, there is nothing great or worth achieving that has not correlated to the empowerment of others.

This imprint is for any and all dreamers, because we all know there is nothing more unstoppable than someone with a dream. This imprint wants you to feel that your dreams are just that much more within reach, because at the end of the day we also know there is no greater satisfaction than a dream that has come true. No matter the dream you have, how absurd and out of reach it may seem, this imprint will remind you that you are capable of achieving them. It’s your dream, and it came to you for a reason.

Hopefully, with the ability to read and the benefits that brings, you will be that much more capable. The information you garner from that ability might just be the very edge you need to achieve that dream that calls you. That knowledge you gain, just might turn the tides in your favor.

You are all free to dislike the publications of this imprint, but if this imprint hasn’t left you with an understanding of what it means to be a lifelong learner, or how to be an unstoppable creative with the ability to think critically, then tell me.

If this imprint has not shared the simple truth that no matter how dark this world may be, you’ve also been gifted with the light of a beautiful mind, then tell me.

If this imprint hasn’t explained that through reading you’ll never be alone, then tell me.

If this imprint has not reminded you that you are the hero of your story and left you with a resounding sense of capability of rising to the challenge of your dreams, then tell me

If this imprint hasn’t provided oxygen-air that helps your flame grow free and uncontrollable, then tell me.  

Tell me, and I will not hesitate to give it all up because this imprint has failed its true mission, and I have failed you. Both this imprint and myself will not strive for awards or being known in the traditional sense. Essentially, none of that matters, because all of that falls short of comparison to the awesome task of empowering you, the dreamer.